Even those who voted against him have been largely surprised at how bad President Bush's performance has been since 2000. The successful attack on American citizens on 9/11, the rising energy prices, the return of government deficits, and most tragically, the failures in Iraqi and apparently Afghanistan, has probably doomed Bush to the dustbin of history. But there may be a silver lining to those clouds.
Instead of President Gore trying to drag a kicking and screaming America into responsible policies and energy management, the frightening spectacle of Bush's America is driving Americans to thoughtful reflection and purposeful action. American's are waking up to the problems of an oil-based economy and its dangers for the environment, the public's health, and of course, their pocketbooks and wallets. They are also wising up to the politics of fear (Sorry Rudy!) and other national soul-destroying policies such as torture and domestic spying. After seven years of spying on American citizens, continued oil dependence and Vietnam-like quagmire in the Middle East, Americans have moved out of the post-Cold War, good times slumber of the Clinton years.
President Bush has diseased America; weakened it, tarnished its reputation around the world.
But as they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
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