Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Review of Blogs from apennings.com - February 2011

My Top Social Media Books

In general I’m unhappy with the focus and range of books on social media. Still, some interesting works are worth mentioning. I don’t really have them in a particular order as I haven’t really developed a useful taxonomy. Also I don’t have extensive comments as I link them to their Amazon pages where you can [...]

Media Content as a “Public Good”

Media products are sometimes referred to as “public goods” because these products are not significantly “used up” in the process of consumption and each additional user incurs little additional (marginal) cost. Unlike traditional products like a hamburger that is bit into, chewed, swallowed, and digested, media content is not destroyed while consumed. Although [...]

Obama “Hustling” E-Commerce Exports

President Obama recently spoke to the US Chamber of Commerce about the importance his administration was putting on exports and trade agreements, an event that coincided with the release of an important document on global e-commerce. We know what it will take for America to win the future. We need to out-innovate, we [...]

Social Network Seminar – Translating Virtual Engagement into Political Reality

CrossRoads Spring 2011: Social Networks – translating virtual engagement into political reality Friday, February 18, 6-8:30pm NYU Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Square South, room 405 Speaker: Andrew Noyes, Public Policy Communications Manager, Facebook, (Washington D.C.) Interviewed by: Dr. Anthony Pennings, NYU-McGhee-DCoM Andrew Noyes joined Facebook in 2009 after covering Capitol Hill, the White House, federal [...]

Multimedia and Multiple Intelligences

When I was teaching at Victoria University in New Zealand I was invited to give a keynote address for a distance learning conference at Massey University. I chose to draw on Howard Gardner‘s theories of multiple intelligence and connect them to multimedia. I always thought that the Harvard psychology professor had developed a [...]

Wanted: Top Skills in Information System Management

The market for information tech and systems management skills is starting to look good again, despite a continued trend to look offshore. The following are some of the ISM skills in demand and what talented professional are making. ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) ABAP, pronounced as ‘ah-bop’, is a high level application-specific fourth-generation [...]

From Sputnik Moment to the Reagan Revolution

President Obama has mentioned the Sputnik satellite several times in speeches over the last few years to refer to the contemporary challenges facing the US such as climate change, oil depletion and the decline of the American economy. Most recently in the 2011 State of the Union address, he spoke of the Soviet [...]

China bids Baidu to Google

While the big search engine news is the row between Google and Microsoft’s Bing, China’s Baidu continues to become a search behemoth with financial successes exceeding expectations and a dominating market share in Chinese language search. Sanctioned by the People’s Republic of China, Baidu’s name comes from a poem written during the Song Dynasty over [...]

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