Friday, January 16, 2009

Blair Levin illuminates Obama broadband policy, TIGR - FierceTelecom

Speaking at the fifth annual "State of the Net" Conference put on by the advisory committee to the Congressional Internet Caucus, Levin was introduced as a team leader of the technology innovation and government reform group - TIGR ("Tigger") for short.

"We like to think of ourselves as bouncy-bouncy-bouncy, fun, fun, fun. We're the only one," Levin said. "There's never been a technology innovation and government reform group before.

"Turning to broadband Levin said he would talk about broadband involvement in the stimulus plan in general terms, but would not address specifics on size or structure, or portion of broadband within the overall stimulus package. He's seen a lot of reports from "very reliable sources... but they're off target." Levin said the process to develop a plan has been very iterative, trying to get the greatest idea to prevail. Secondly, reports have been confusing national broadband goals with very specific short-term needs for the economic stimulus package.
Blair Levin illuminates Obama broadband policy, TIGR - FierceTelecom

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